Choose the Right Paper

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How can I know what the best paper for my printer is?

Choose the Right Paper

Choosing the right paper for your presentation output is becoming more confusing and more important for today's office. Here's what to consider to make sure you make the right decision for the technology you are using. Almost any paper can be used with a desktop system, but if you do not carefully select grades based on your particular design applications or equipment specifications, you will not get the quality results you should. Laser compatible papers should be used when appearance is at premium. High quality laser printers that output between 300 and 1,000 dots-per-inch can only provide the quality for which they were designed if papers accept images without feathering or flaking. This requires a specific degree of paper smoothness, as well as a specially-designed moisture content to facilitate toner fusing. Choosing the right paper begins with understanding the design and intent of the piece that you wil publish and the special requirements of your machinery. Not all paper will fulfill every application need, nor will it effectively work the same on all equipment.



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