Information for Employees Tips

Read these 28 Information for Employees Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Businesses tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How can I become more noticable in my interview?

Know Your Competition

Look around your classroom. Some of the people there may be friends now, but sitting in a lobby waiting to interview for the same job, they are competition. What does he know about this job that you don't? How did he dress for the interview -- could you learn something from that? Do you remember him doing some extra-curricular thing, like student council or chess club, which might give him an edge over you? Make sure you can beat the competition.

Am I ready for this?


Whether you are in an interview, a meeting with clients or interacting with your peers, being self confident pays off. It allows others to perceive you as a leader, results-oriented and eager to learn. If you are the type of person who freezes up before a big meeting, try practicing or preparing ahead of time in order to alleviate some of the pressure. Ask a friend to perform a mock interview with you so they can point out your strong points as well as weaknesses, which you can work on tweaking before the "real thing."

How can I have a successful interview?

Listen Up

Demonstrating your listening skills is important in any given situation whether you are interacting in a social or work-related setting. During a job interview, listen carefully as the employer speaks and acknowledge what he/she has said. You can show your enthusiasm verbally by commenting on their statements or through body language, such as a nod or a smile. And remember, never interrupt someone while they are talking. It's just plain rude!

How do I know my resume was reviewed?

Don't Get Electonically Ignored

In many companies, unsolicited resumes are scanned directly into a computer system. If there is a job opening, the recruiter enters keywords describing the job, which searches the database for the best match. If your resume is not full of the right keywords, the retrieval software isn't anymore likely to acknowledge you than a human. So, think twice and tailor your resume to the position you want. By putting applicable keywords in place, you just might beat the electronic obstacles and surface to the top of the heap.

How can I avoid the mayhem of returning from vacation?

Plan Ahead

Don't you hate when you return back from vacation and find you're spending several hours returning phone calls as well as a zillion emails? One way to alleviate some of these messages would be to change your voice mail message. Alert callers you are unavailable until "return date" and that they may contact "co-worker" for immediate attention. The same rule applies to emails. You can set up an auto-response, which reads the same way. Customers and co-workers will appreciate the fact that you were thoughtful enough to leave forwarding information and won't be left wondering why you haven't returned their call!

How many times should you be contacting a company after an interview?

Follow-Up Advice

How many times should you be contacting a company after an interview? There is no golden rule. However, persistence can pay off, but being a pest could knock you right out of the running. Send a thank you letter and then follow up with a phone call a few days later. If the interviewer states that the decision process will take a couple of weeks, be patient. Don't call everyday or send a series of follow-up letters. Letting an employer know you are excited about the opportunity and anxious to hear their decision is always the best pretext for calling, but overdoing it can be detrimental.

Did you receive my resume?

Identify Your Position

When responding to a job advertisement, be sure to reference the unique position number or job title in the subject line (if responding via email) and cover letter. Including this pertinent information will help get your resume to the appropriate person in a timely fashion. If someone has to screen and search through your qualifications and background to try and fit you into one of their multiple openings, not only will they potentially mis-identify your career endeavors, but it will take longer to uncover exactly where you may fit.
Don't decrease your chances of getting the right job opportunity before you get your resume read!

How can exel in my company?

Be Punctual

Most companies will fire you if you are late too often. Furthermore, by arriving for work on time, you demonstrate to your employer that you are reliable and eager to do well. A job is different than high school, where many students seem to do the bare minimum necessary to slip by with acceptable grades. You should invest yourself in your work and show your employer that you are willing to come to work on time and will work hard to succeed.

How can I get a job with a specific job I have mind?

Go Right To The Source!

Have you always wanted to work for “XYZ Fortune 500 Company”, but rarely see ads for their job openings? Many of the top employers post available opportunities on their own websites. So, why not go directly to the source? If you are not sure what their web address is, log onto a search engine and enter the company name in the search window. Odds are, if they have a website, it will be one of the first hits you get. Next, check out their employment link and follow their leads to the job you've been waiting for!

How can I end my interview so they´ll remember me?

Say Goodbye with Class!

What you say in an exit interview could come back to haunt you, so be careful! You may be told your conversation is confidential and designed to help the company improve itself. However, don't let this disclaimer be your green light for a pessimistic sounding board. Never get even with negativity and always resist talking poorly about people or policies. Instead, give constructive feedback such as how to improve production or corporate communication. You were hired because of your skills and positive attitude, so why not leave on the same note? After all, you may need them as a reference in the future.

What are you willing to risk for your job?

Major Turnoff For Prospective Employers

Yes, today's bullish economy is a job seeker's delight. Both traditional and high tech companies are raising the stakes in terms of salaries, benefits, and perks as they scramble for talent. Beware job hunter -- don't get cocky! One of the surest turnoffs for prospective employers is the employee who's looking for everything guaranteed. Even in this tight job market, employers expect employees to accept some risk. Moving from one company to another is always a gamble, whether moving from a traditional company to a or not. Show employers that you're willing to accept your share of the risk.

What´s the best way to follow-up after an interview?

Play the Name Game

Don't you hate it when your name gets mispronounced or misspelled? Knowing the correct pronunciation of the company as well as the interviewer's name is important. Listen closely as the interviewer introduces him/herself and be sure to ask for a business card before you leave. Not only will this ensure you have the correct spelling of their name and title, but it may also include an email address and direct phone line for easy follow-up.

How can I become a better employee?

Stay Focused

Stay focused on the work in front of you. If you have forgotten what you were told to do, ask for instructions; and if you run out of work to do, then look around to see what needs to be done. Ask your supervisor for more work. Go and visit another company like yours. What is expected of the employees there? Expect the same work from yourself.

How can I let my new employer know they´re reaching me on a voice mail

Please Leave a Message After the Beep

Performing a family sing-a-long or allowing your two year-old to say a few words may seem like cute ideas for an answering machine message. However, if you are in the middle of an active job search campaign, it is highly recommended that you change your message to something short, easy to understand and professional. You can always put Fido and the singing parakeets back on after you have your new job offer.

How can I become a better employee?

Be Positive At Work

A good work ethic and a positive attitude will make you a better employee and could single you out for promotions. Positive energy can help your career as much as being negative can hurt it.

How can exel in my company?

Alternatives for Raises

If there's no money for a raise, try to negotiate for these alternatives:

1. Flexible Hours. Request to work at home one day a week or to shift your workday an hour earlier or later. Companies have caught on that employees are more productive when they arrange their hours to suit their own personal time clocks.

2. More vacation time. While raises are factored into the budget, comp time can usually be approved easily by your manager. So ask for an extra vacation week on top of the ususal two.

3. Laptops and cell phones. Ask for some cool technical accessories, pointing out to your boss that they'll help you be much more productive when traveling on business, working from home, or facing the long commute. They'll also help you accomplish more in a shorter period, giving you more free time in the end.

4. A re-evaluation. If you are turned down for a raise, ask to revisit the possibility in three to six months. That's plenty of time to show your boss you're worth more money. Plan your re-evaluation to fall around January or July, when most companies' fiscal years start and cash is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Should I still go to other interviews, even if I´ve accepted a job.

Never Turn Down an Interview

Have you ever been invited in for an interview knowing the position is not exactly what you want? There are many reasons as to why you should not decline a meeting with a potential employer. Not only do you have the opportunity to practice your interviewing techniques, but you never know what kind of valuable contacts you may develop from the encounter. Maybe the current job opening isn't “the one”, however, a few months from now, the ideal position could become available. Making a favorable impression and networking with various people is an important part in getting where and what you want.

Are you letting indecision keep you from action?

Bold is Beautiful

This tip isn't intended to create stress, but it might create a little tension - if it gets your attention. Try taking bolder steps and become known as a person of action. Don't let excuses and a tendency to look for "what could go wrong" cheat you out of opportunities for exciting journeys. Next time, try looking for 'yes' first!

How should I dress for business?

Dress For Success

The best way for you to impress your boss is to start dressing like him or her. This may not work in a uniform environment but you can begin to look at the apparel of the managers and know that's the look you need to succeed.

What can I do if I am stumped on a question?

Silence is Golden!

It's true, silence can be uncomfortable during an interview, but do not jump in and add irrelevant comments just to fill air space. If you are experiencing trouble while trying to answer a question, don't be afraid to wait a few seconds before responding. The use of filler words, such as "uh," "um," and "hmmm" is rather annoying. So, give it time and have your words well thought-out!

Should I ask how much the job is paying upfront?

Don't Appear Greedy

In a job interview, don't ask how much you will get paid first. You don't have the job and you'll come across greedy. If you are asked how much you are looking for, be honest and say what you need. You could be wanting more than they are willing to pay, but if you have a budget and can't afford to take a job for less, then you need to find the right job for yourself.

Did they receive my resume?

Only One Submission

All job hunters are concerned that their resumes get to hiring officials regardless of how the resumes are submitted. Whether forwarded by snail - or e-mail, if receipt is not acknowledged, we are often tempted to call or e-mail the resume repeatedly. Many online recruiters warn against submitting a resume by e-mail more than once. Many resumes sent electronically end up in an automatic sorter and sending multiple copies doesn't accomplish anything. Besides that, the company you've sent the many copies of your resume to may think you're not e-mail savvy. Once is plenty by e-mail. Follow up with a cover letter and hard copy.

Should I make my resume look creative and not so original?

Fancy is Not Always Favorable

More and more companies are scanning resumes into computer databases for electronic screening and retrieval. These applicant tracking systems search for candidates who fit a specific employee profile, based on keywords entered by the company. If your resume never makes it into the database, you're out of luck. Current scanner technology and character recognition programs more accurately recognize popular business fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier. Even italics and underlining may throw a scanner program off track. Therefore, to optimize your chances of having your resume entered into the database, in a clear and easy-to-read format, avoid using unusual or fancy fonts.

How can I make my resume stand out from the rest?

Get Noticed!

Reviewing resumes can be a tedious task, as most employers do not have a great deal of time to read each and everyone. So, how do you make your resume stand out from the crowd? Discover as much as you can about the job you are interested in. Customize your resume to the specific position by focusing on the experience and skills you possess, related directly to the job. Brevity and clarity are a must, so don't waste valuable resume space on skills that do not pertain to the opportunity you are seeking. Give your potential employer a reason to think, "Wow! This person is custom-made for our job."

Any suggestions on having a bad day at the job?

Five Easy Ways to Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Anyone who spends long hours at a keyboard is at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and other Work Related Upper Extremity Disorders (WRUEDs). To lower your risk, lighten up.

1. Practice typing with a light touch. Post reminders where you can see them as you work.

2. Identify your "triggers." You may tend to type harder when you're tired, hurried or under stress, for example. Pay extra attention to your keyboard force at those times.

3. Check you posture. Keep your wrists relaxed, but not bent upward or downward. Be sure your monitor is at eye level. Correct any problems that put you in an awkward posture.

4. Cut back on caffeine. "It's just speculation," says Dr. Feuerstein, "but drinking too many caffeinated beverages could translate to increased tension that might relate to increased force when using the keyboard."

5. Listen to your body. Pain, aching, stiffness, burning, tingling, or numbing in your hands, wrists, arms or shoulders are "signals that something may not be right," says Dr. Feuerstein. See your doctor or an occupational physician, and you may avoid more serious injury later.

How can I ask for help without looking like I don´t know what I´m doin

Don't Beat Yourself Up

The average learning curve for a new job is a few months. The more complicated the work, the more time it will take. If you don't understand something, ask for help. It will show that you are open to learning and will take advice when given.

Is it good to negotiate a salary offer?

Negotiating Salary

Consider this scenario: You are offered a job at a company where you'd really like to work. But, you are offered the job for $10,000 less than a friend with similar qualifications who was hired there about six months ago.

Should you accept the offer or try to negotiate for a higher base salary? Ken Abosch, global compensation business leader at Hewitt Associates, a human resources consulting firm, has these suggestions:

--"There is tremendous variation and volatility in salaries." In other words, haggle away. There is room to negotiate salary for almost every job.

--Companies pay higher salaries to those who can demonstrate such things as a track record of stability and performance, and for certain skills and experiences.

--Variation in salary offers for like positions can be a result of timing. In the case above, perhaps the company was suffering a more dire need for the position six months ago, making it more valuable to them then.

What´s the best answer when someone asks, "Tell me about yourself"?

Let Me Introduce Myself

When someone asks an open-ended question, such as, “Tell me a little bit about yourself,” nothing can lose a listener's interest faster than an over-detailed, rambling response. A well-prepared and practiced introduction is likely to capture an employer's attention and leave them wanting more. Use descriptive statements which relate to your skills and achievements. Whether in an interview or just networking, a good initial presentation will set the stage for a positive and pro-active conversation.

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